It’s been a while..
Wow, when was the last time I posted in this blog? This poor, poor, blog…
I have been telling myself that I *must* start posting on my blog, at least maybe once a week? But we all know that it didn’t happen.. lol. *sigh* With all the things going on in my life, I find it really hard to sit down and blog like I used to do, and it’s kinda sad.. Blogging used to be a daily thing for me. Whatever happened to that spirit? Do people change as they grow older?
Talked to an old friend of mine yesterday – a girl I used to be classmates with since Kindergarten – about growing up and getting old. I told her about me being worried for myself. Not in a bad way that is, but, well.. just 10 years ago, a visit to the mall means dress shopping or shoe shopping. But look at myself now? A visit to the mall and I’ll find myself going towards Parkson in search of a good bed sheet and dinnerware of all the thing!! That is so worrying!! What’s happening to me?? I am slowly turning into MY MOTHER!
I guess that’s how life cycle goes. We grow, we learn and we get old.. 🙁
But on a lighter note, I have grown a liking to calligraphy and hand lettering. Yay!
I’ve actually spent quite a fortune on inks, nibs, brush pen, watercolors, papers etc… but it was all WORTH IT!

I’m still a beginner tho, but I try to practice every single day or whenever I can. It’s fun actually! However, if calligraphy or hand lettering is not your thing, you probably can try other things to fill in your “old” days. lol. Click to see great deal here! You guys would love it, especially if you’re into guitars – like my partner does. But if you’re into calligraphy and hand lettering – kita kawan!! Let’s share photos and info on where to get awesome art supplies! 😀
Happy new year
Happy New Year!
I know it’s a wee bit too late to wish that, but it wouldn’t feel right if I don’t wish it over here. In my blog. My one lonely blog. I know I’ve promised a lot of times that I WILL start blogging again… but I guess the busyness with stuff in the real world had taken most of my free time.
So my brother got me a fit watch last Christmas in hopes that I would get back into the fitness routine that I once did. Yeah, I guess I would. I’ve also bought a brand new Skechers (it’s Pink!!) for that purpose. Woohoo!

I’ll probably check out those edirol ua 25 as well to add into my fitness routine. Let’s hope this won’t be another ‘promise’ I made myself, because honestly, I really hate breaking promises especially when it’s a promise I made for myself. =/